Is “Red Pill” director Cassie Jaye’s Cannes award a fake? Signs point to “yes.”
Seems legit If you look at Cassie Jaye’s official bios, you might be forgiven for thinking that the director of the upcoming Red Pill documentary had won an impressive “best documentary” prize at...
View ArticleDavis Aurini admits he never actually watched any of Anita Sarkeesian’s videos
Davis Aurini: Who’s got at least one thumb and no discernible value as a human being? Apparently Davis Aurini is capable of sometimes telling the truth. As you may recall, the bald, semi-Nazi stain on...
View ArticleVox Day’s fans are making him an enemies list. But they’re not checking it twice
Another guy who had a list A few days ago, racist skeezeball fantasy author Vox Day noted on his blog just how nice it would be to have a handy public list of all the people he hates. Sorry, a list of...
View ArticleSocial Autopsy founder Candace Owens channels GamerGate in bizarre attack on...
It’s always Zoe Quinn’s fault, apparently So this Social Autopsy debacle is one of the saddest, most surreal spectacles I’ve seen in a long time. Social Autopsy is, as you may have heard, a...
View ArticleMen’s Rights Activism, summed up in a single comment
The anti-male oppression was THIS BIG A rare moment of candor on the Men’s Rights subreddit: Yeah, we noticed that. H/T — r/againstmensrights
View ArticleGotta Neg ‘Em All: Pickup artists claim they’re using Pokemon Go to “catch”...
Pikachu, PUA So you’ve heard of this Pokemon Go thing, right? It’s the massively popular new mobile game that uses your GPS to lead you to virtual Pokemons hanging out at countless locations in the...
View ArticleThe Internet’s worst people have a new woman to hate: Ghostbusters star...
Leslie Jones, badass [UPDATE: Milo has been banned for good from Twitter. My thoughts here.] More than a year and a half of manbaby whining wasn’t enough to derail the opening weekend of the...
View ArticleTwitter bans Milo for good, finally. But what about his goons?
Milo Yiannopoulos: A martyr, in his own mind So Twitter has finally given Milo Yiannopoulos the boot — apparently for good — after the Breitbart “journalist” gleefully participated in, and egged on, a...
View ArticleThe war on female speech continues: Jessica Valenti driven offline by threats
Carole Lombard as the Targeted Woman The war on female speech can claim another victory of sorts. Feminist writer Jessica Valenti — the longtime target of an organized campaign of harassment and...
View ArticleTop Ten Tips for Women From Men Who Hate Them
That one about marrying a queen might actually work Viz magazine is famous for its surreal and deliberately useless “Top Tips.” An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an...
View ArticleReddit MGTOW: It “feels good” my ex-wife was murdered
Jackpot! So today some anonymous someone posted an almost certainly bullshit story on Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit claiming that he just learned that his ex-wife (and mother to his...
View ArticleTrump fans spam Buzzfeed’s “Share Your Trump Story” page with rape jokes,...
That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore With more and more women stepping forward with stories of being sexually harassed and/or assaulted by Donald Trump, Buzzfeed has set up an email address (and a Google Doc...
View ArticleTrumpgrets: A schadenfreude-tastic catalog of Trump voters regretting their...
Who could ever have guessed that this smirky bastard would turn out to be a con man? Attention Trump haters! If you’ve been starved for schadenfreude lately, there’s a blog for you: Trumpgrets, a small...
View ArticleThe Spinal Tap president: Trump tells ABC his crowd goes to eleven
This goes to eleven If you haven’t seen ABC’s horrifyngly Spinal-Tappish interview with That Man in the White House yet, you need to go watch it. At the very least, watch the final segment (embedded in...
View ArticlePsychedelic Psean Pspycer: 5 pics of Trump’s press secretary on shrooms,...
What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding? Sean Spicer often seems as though he’s living in an alternate reality. I’ve been assuming that’s because, well, basically his job is to present...
Mike Flynn: Russian operative? (Yes, I switched the picture) A succession of new revelations about National Security advisor (and possible Russian operative?) Mike Flynn have gotten people talking...
View ArticleDon’t stop not-believin: Mike Cernovich reverse-Tinkerbells the Washington Post
Mike Cernovich: “If we collectively agreed that the words in WaPo were a lie, they would lose all power.” You could almost forgive Mike Cernovich for believing, as he certainly seems to believe, that...
View ArticleMike Cernovich’s war on reality kicks into overdrive in the wake of Syria...
Mike Cernovich: Rejecting your reality and susbstituting his own When events in the real world challenge our preconceived beliefs, most of us experience a sense of cognitive dissonance; the...
View ArticleRacists, trolls and idiots launch Twitter campaign to smear John Oliver as...
John Oliver’s campaign for Net Neutrality is facing some interference HAPPY UPDATE: Looks like this little bit of hashtag activism despicable trollish smearing has collapsed; the hashtag is pretty much...
View ArticleCheck out the profile of We Hunted the Mammoth in the New York Times today!
Please do not poke the mammoth with sharp sticks By David Futrelle So this little blog of mine (and yours!) got a nice writeup in the New York Times today by fellow Illinois writer Peter C. Baker....
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