The Protocols of the Elders of Feminism (Or, Gloria Steinem Didn’t Really Say...
No, Gloria Steinem did not say this. Today is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t donated yet, click that little button below! Thanks! I‘m continually amazed by the...
View ArticleMen’s Rights Twitter Activist Dean Esmay fights “rape hysteria,”“snotty...
Dean Esmay tries to decide whether to call someone a “hatemongering bigot” or a “bigoted hatemonger.” So it’s been a while since I checked in on the heroic Twitter activism of the legendary Men’s...
View ArticleA Voice for Men’s post on feminism destroying humanity is not only daft; it’s...
Eyes on your own paper, Mr. Bean! UPDATE: The plagiarised posts on AVFM have been taken down without explanation or apology; see my post here for more details and perhaps a little schadenfreude....
View ArticlePlagiarised posts on A Voice for Men mysteriously vanish without explanation...
Now you see it, now you don’t! UPDATE: Elam has belatedly posted an acknowledgement of (some of) the plagiarism. Then he called me fat. See my take here. Earlier today, I pointed out that two recent...
View ArticleThe Daily Mail tracks Roosh V to his mother’s basement, where he lives. No,...
Roosh Valizadeh, as he would prefer to be seen This is just getting surreal. The Daily Mail — yes, that Daily Mail — has tracked Roosh to his mother’s house in Silver Spring, Maryland, where he is...
View ArticleDonald Trump: Could he become America’s first troll president?
The similarity goes beyond the hair Donald Trump is probably the most casually dishonest serious candidate for president that this country has ever seen. He lies so easily, so shamelessly, and so...
View ArticleBreitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos rejected by internet Nazis, who really do hate...
Breitbart: Whitewashing white supremacists? The revelation that Breitbart’s star, er, journalist Milo Yiannopoulos apparently relies on dozens of unpaid “interns” to write most of his garbage is rather...
View ArticleDavis Aurini admits he never actually watched any of Anita Sarkeesian’s videos
Davis Aurini: Who’s got at least one thumb and no discernible value as a human being? Apparently Davis Aurini is capable of sometimes telling the truth. As you may recall, the bald, semi-Nazi stain on...
View ArticleVox Day’s fans are making him an enemies list. But they’re not checking it twice
Another guy who had a list A few days ago, racist skeezeball fantasy author Vox Day noted on his blog just how nice it would be to have a handy public list of all the people he hates. Sorry, a list of...
View ArticleSocial Autopsy founder Candace Owens channels GamerGate in bizarre attack on...
It’s always Zoe Quinn’s fault, apparently So this Social Autopsy debacle is one of the saddest, most surreal spectacles I’ve seen in a long time. Social Autopsy is, as you may have heard, a...
View ArticleMen’s Rights Activism, summed up in a single comment
The anti-male oppression was THIS BIG A rare moment of candor on the Men’s Rights subreddit: Yeah, we noticed that. H/T — r/againstmensrights
View ArticleInternet Nazis plan to take down SJWs by pretending to be “Mexican trannies”...
Some websites are born great; others have to buy a mug for themselves The folks over on the Daily Stormer — winner of the prestigious “World’s Greatest Nazi Poop Site” award (and coffee cup) — are...
View ArticleTweets from totally real feminists supporting FEMCON2015, a totally real...
Seems legit So over the weekend some enterprising 4channer decided to try to create some mayhem and make a few quick bucks by concocting a fake feminist conference, and selling tickets to it. He — I’m...
View ArticleWhat happened when A Voice for Men’s News Director tried to publish an...
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s all true, you piece of shit. A Voice for Men, the World’s Greatest Grandpa of Men’s Rights sites, prides itself on the intellectual and political diversity of its writers....
View ArticleFan mail, from some white supremacist
Me writing this blog (Reenactment). As the guy behind a long-running blog devoted to, as my tagline notes, tracking and mocking some of the worst pieces of crap on the internet, I’ve come to expect a...
View Article“Better hope there is [sic] no skeletons in your closet,” Paul Elam warns...
That guy looks familiar The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks! So earlier today, A Voice for Men’s head honcho, the neither...
View ArticleUh Oh 7: Fictional spy dude to be paired with woman his own age; Redpillers...
Daniel Craig in the clutches of hideous monster hag Monica Bellucci Antifeminist douchenozzles regularly mock feminists for caring about so-called “first world problems” like “manspreading” and rape...
View ArticleSpittin’ Mad: Dean Esmay warns MGTOW enemy “my saliva and snot will be on...
Seriously. Spitting is disgusting. Oh, how the not-so mighty have fallen! Former A Voice for Menner Dean Esmay’s weird public meltdown continues. Soon, I worry, he’ll be reduced to little more than a...
View ArticleDean Esmay’s wild accusations
Modified from Laughing Witch’s YouTube avatar I would rather not return so quickly to documenting Dean Esmay’s ongoing internet flameout, but I feel I need to. Esmay, as readers of this blog know all...
View ArticleA self-described harasser and abuser of feminists is accusing me of...
Jack Barnes, who describes himself as a “Proud MRA, Proud Anti-Feminist, GamerGate Supporter, Contributor to” Earlier today Jack Barnes, one of A Voice for Men’s...
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